10 Personality Development Tools for Youngsters


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Personality Development Tools For Youngsters

We, humans, are the result of decade long evolution. It is essential for our growth that we keep evolving. Thus, personality development should be taken as a major life goal. It is often thought that personality development is instrumental in one’s professional life. But it is not so. People have felt major lifestyle changes by taking small steps towards personality development.

Personality development makes you confident and street smart. You make a mark wherever you go. Personality development brings a major improvement in an individual’s soft and hard skills. There are many ways youngsters can adapt to changes. There are plenty of resources in today’s digital era, without a doubt.

Start Journaling

Personality Development Tools for Youngsters: Start Journaling
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/1g2l7a

Our first suggestion towards personality development tools for youngsters is journaling. Journaling is often emphasized as a good habit. And the people making this claim are not wrong.

It has numerous benefits and is very fruitful to personality development. It needn’t be having a structure or routine. The key to journaling is to be consistent and start with small steps.

American entrepreneur Jim Rohn once quoted, “If you’re serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured, and unique individual, keep a journal.” Journaling is proven to be very therapeutic as it creates a distance between you and the experience of the situation.

Also, there are various types of journaling. Some are gratitude journaling, reflection journaling, self-discovery journaling. To achieve complete effectiveness, it is important to be honest, and open to yourself.

Research shows that journaling by writing with your own hands is much better than typing. I don’t care for grammatical errors or punctuations. Consider the journal as your personal secret keeper and pour out everything. When you let go of the things that are pulling you back, you develop and grow.

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Practice Empathy

Practice Empathy: Be compassionate to others.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/sqsqwq

There are many values and beliefs in life that we practice. But we forget the most important of them all, i.e., empathy. Our next suggestion for personality development tools for youngsters is the art of being empathetic.

Empathy is a must-have quality, yet many people lack it. Practising empathy makes your thinking broad and opens your eyes to new perspectives. We all are raised with different belief systems. Thus, it is crucial that we are comfortable with everyone’s views and are accepting of them.

In a professional setting, being empathetic makes you seem trustworthy and dependable to your colleagues. Thus, you grow career-wise. Also, personally, it makes your bonds and relationships stronger and better.

Personality development should not be only about you and your growth. When you motivate the people around you and help them grow, it is a major lifestyle change. This will keep you happier and prosperous. Therefore, empathy is the key to be more receptive towards others.

The first step towards practising empathy is letting go of our preconceived notions and beliefs. These hinder us from being open-minded, and we often forget to see things from others’ shoes.

TED Talks

Personality Development Tools for Youngsters: TED Talks

TED Talks are the best way to improve your way of living and add value to your life.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/1dk6lv

TED is a great personality development tool for youngsters. It is true that sometimes you need a little push or a dash of motivation from someone else. TED talks are a great source of motivation.

TED talks have proved to be very inspirational and have changed the lives of numerous people. You never know. You might just hear what you wanted to hear on that day. There are numerous TED talks on personality development and growth.

The best part about TED is that these talks are by people of experience and understanding. They are not false claims or fictional stories. They are the lives of people who have fought their demons. These people did not give up in the face of adversity.

TED talks are free and accessible to all. You don’t need to search for a mentor or an inspiration. You can just find your person, someone who moves you and inspires you to push forward.

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Personality Development Tools for Youngsters: Udemy

Learning new things always helps boost confidence and improve your personality.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/ddsdmf

The next entry on our list of personality development tools for youngsters is, Udemy. Udemy is an online learning platform with various courses. There are plenty of platforms like Udemy, but there is something that sets it apart.

It is highly user-friendly. Udemy uses a straightforward interface, which makes navigation easy. There is a lot to choose from to learn in various fields. And as an added bonus, the prices are very cost-effective as well.

The courses are made by independent instructors who are masters in their field. There are even some free courses in Udemy. A great part about Udemy is its 30-day refund policy. That is, if a course doesn’t meet your expectations, you can cancel your subscription and get a full refund.

It is an added bonus that other than individuals, there is an option for businesses and companies as well. Best suited for organizations who wish to empower their employees with new skills.

Some people say that knowledge is power. And there is no doubt about it. With today’s world becoming more and more competitive, it is important to be up-to-date on your skills. The more you know, the more you will be seen and noticed.


 Goodreads: Meet your next favourite book.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/oaziys

Perhaps, the most important personality development tool for youngsters is reading. Reading helps you grow as an individual. There are numerous personality development books for youngsters.

[If you want to know about the best books – 15 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT BOOKS FOR YOUNGSTERS ]

It is not always feasible to attend book clubs and share your love for literature with fellow readers. But Goodreads provides a solution to that. You can keep tabs on books you have read, you are reading and that you want to read.

In most cases, people choose the wrong book, and this makes reading tedious for them. But do not fret, as Goodreads helps you with reviews, background information and ratings about any book. Therefore, it helps a lot in coming out of reading slumps.

Remember the Milk

Remember the milk: It is a mere to-do list app. But when you complete your tasks one by one, nothing compares to satisfaction. This satisfaction, in turn, becomes an inspiration to accomplish more tasks in the allotted time. Thus, we have added it to our list of personality development tools for youngsters.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/dfw9f1

You might wonder what is this exactly. Let us tell you that the first step towards personality development is being organized and focused. You need to set up your goals and plans. Remember the milk is an Australian app that gives the user a platform to manage their tasks with proper time management.

It is a mere to-do list app. But when you complete your tasks one by one, nothing compares to satisfaction. This satisfaction, in turn, becomes an inspiration to accomplish more tasks in the allotted time. Thus, we have added it to our list of personality development tools for youngsters.

The app is free and works offline. It is supported on various platforms, which makes it more efficient. As the interface is simple and clean, it is very user-friendly. You can even connect it with your email or calendar to keep tabs and manage tasks.

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Personality Development Tools for Youngsters: Podcasts. 
A podcast a day keeps gloominess away. Thus, we have added podcasts as one of the tools for personality development tools for youngsters. For those who find reading tedious, listen to fun audios to boost your day with positivity.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/edqdmt

It has been only recently when podcasts and podcasting have gained such momentum. Long gone are the days of boring and dull interviews. People, especially youngsters, prefer podcasts.

A podcast a day keeps gloominess away. Thus, we have added podcasts as one of the tools for personality development tools for youngsters. For those who find reading tedious, listen to fun audio recordings to boost your day with positivity.

There are many personality development coaches who have their own podcasts. One of the reasons podcasts have garnered such an audience is their informal and intimate nature. Podcasts break the wall and seem more personal as compared to any other interviews or monologues.

Since they are available everywhere and are portable, it is more convenient. Passive listening helps in growth, and obviously, they are entertaining. They are conversations that make the listener feel included.

Ignite Talks

Personality Development Tools for Youngsters: Podcasts: Ignite Talks
 Ignite talks is a website that gives speakers only 5 minutes to talk. The speakers can use 20 slides of the presentation, and the slide changes every 15 seconds automatically.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/kblzle

Suppose you are lazy and feel lethargic to listen to long inspirational talks. Don’t worry; we might have a solution for you. What if we tell you that you can hear what you want in just five minutes.

Our next addition in personality development tools for youngsters is Ignite. Ignite talks is a website that gives speakers only 5 minutes to talk. The speakers can use 20 slides of the presentation, and the slide changes every 15 seconds automatically.

Ignite speakers are no doubt aces in their fields. And when they fulfil their purpose in just 5 minutes, then it is a great deal. That is, your time is respected and valued at Ignite.

Practice Carpe Diem

Practice Carpe Diem: Often, we commit the mistake of being stuck in past events or future plans. IN this chaos, we forget to live the day we are in right now. If you are confused about why this is part of personality development tools for youngsters, then let us clear it for you.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/cbot42

The Roman poet Horace used the term in his work, ‘Odes.’ Carpe Diem is a Latin aphorism. It means, ‘seize the day.’

Often, we commit the mistake of being stuck in past events or future plans. IN this chaos, we forget to live the day we are in right now. If you are confused about why this is part of personality development tools for youngsters, then let us clear it for you.

It is often mistaken that carpe diem is about YOLO. But it is more about stopping to appreciate the newly bloomed flowers or to see some kids playing happily. It is living in all those small moments that we take for granted.

Therefore, when we start appreciating life’s small things, we progress with ourselves and grow. You grow more when you invest more in yourself. And thus, it boosts your personality development.

Learn a new language

Learn a new language: When you learn a new language, you are also learning about a new culture, views, and habits of different people. It is not easy to achieve fluency in a foreign language. Therefore, it requires determination and dedication.
Image Credits: https://rb.gy/9r243s

The last suggestion on our list of personality development tools for youngsters is learning a new language. It is always useful to learn a new language. But it also helps in personality development and self-improvement.

When you learn a new language, you are also learning about a new culture, views, and habits of different people. It is not easy to achieve fluency in a foreign language. Therefore, it requires determination and dedication.

A new language is potential career growth and boosts you professionally. While you are exposed to a new culture, you broaden your thinking and view and become more receptive. It is important to be aware of different types of people and their beliefs.

When you are well-versed in a foreign language, you feel confident, ready to take up any challenge. You get over your insecurities and grow individually.

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Tags: Personality Development, Personality Development Tools for Youngsters, youth mental health,

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