Mental Health in Youth Development

The healing power of meditation is a manner of practice a person undertakes, so as to channel oneself in a planned and organized way, which also helps them to achieve patience, peace, happiness, or satisfaction.

The human being consists of three aspects, with their associated functions:

  1. Physical body
  2. Inner faculty: The working consciousness, which is constantly changing. This consists of – the mind, which processes sensory perceptions and intellect, that analyzes, discriminates, decides, and judges.
  3. Deep inner Self: The non-changing pure consciousness, which has the quality of unity and witnesses the activity of the inner faculty. The deep inner Self is the source of all knowledge, intelligence, creativity, and all natural laws that govern existence.
Healing Power of Meditation in the Nature
Healing Power of Meditation in Nature
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What is Meditation and the Healing Power of Meditation?

When a person meditates, be it in any form which suits them the best, the person evolves, grows, and aims to get better than before. Hence meditation positions itself as a way to heal oneself makes a person efficient and renders him living a happier and satisfying life. They leave behind the negativity, lack of confidence, and lack of self-belief. Helping them to live a life of nurture and manifesting the value of empathy, therefore making the societal interaction happy and healthy.

When a person meditates, be it in any form which suits them the best, the person evolves, grows, and aims to get better than before. Hence meditation positions itself as a way to heal oneself makes a person efficient and renders him living a happier and more satisfying life. It provides greater level of psychological flexibility.

The healing power of meditation leaves behind the negativity, lack of confidence, and lack of self-belief. Helping us to live a life of nurture and manifesting the value of empathy, therefore making the societal interaction happy and healthy.

How to Deal with Differences in Perceptions

Every person has a unique way of attaining peace and composure. Just as each person encounters different experiences in their lives similarly they have their own ways of coping with different situations. Every human has different views and perspectives, and most of the time it does not align with other person’s ideologies.

On that account, the healing power of meditation is perceived as impressionistic and has multiple ways of restoring one’s varying emotions. One might find nature as healing and meditative, other might find music as a way to release stress, or someone might prefer taking a walk as cathartic which heals them from the inside.

The process of meditation goes beyond the mind to the deepest level of the inner Self. Therefore healing power of meditation is open-ended and often taken up as a subjective procedure or a design a person undertakes so as to attain or accomplish what they have been searching for.

Marshall McLuhan’s Theory of Communication

Marshall McLuhan’s theory of communication includes parameters namely, what is enhanced, what is retrieved, what is reversed, and the obsolesce.

When one meditates, it can be an action which is coming out of various reasons. A person might be going through a rough time socially, mentally or physically. Hence meditation acts as a medium to fill the gap in between in order to find balance and peace.

Meditation involves the healing power which helps and enhances a person’s cognition level, and helps them with taking better decisions as the person is being perceptive and trying to find a balance for themselves. The healing power of meditation enhances one’s rationality, helps one to take logical decisions, and achieve better results in work, or in life generally

For instance, children often being anxious while making new friends at school upon joining, her habit of performing meditation can help them to be more open-minded and enhance their ability to be patient and be more friendly and communicate well upon meeting new people.

Healing Power of Meditation to Attain Peace
Healing Power of Meditation to Attain Peace
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How can the Healing Power of Meditation be Mindful

When we talk about retrieving, and question how healing power of meditation can help someone when a person is pushed to its limits. Meditation enables a person to be proactive, have sympathy and patience to deal with problems and find solution to it.

Hence meditation heals the gaps and holes which earlier people ignored among themselves which acted as an obstruction to living a happier or wholesome life. They were living a lifestyle that rendered them feel agitated over trivial or significant issues, depending on their emotional and intellect quotients.

The healing power of meditation enables them to retrieve the lost happiness, peace, and prosperity and accept their lives in the present, and work to improve them by taking one step at a time. Thereby reducing stress and anxiety in one’s life.


The healing power of meditation, carries a plethora of meaning and connotation telling humans on how to live a life more peaceful and in a balanced way. Yet it is subjective in its usage, for a person meditation can be indulging in a hobby such as singing, playing an instrument, or sports activities like swimming, or cycling to name a few.

The healing power of meditation is a way that retrieves and conveys to the people largely finding ways to feel rejuvenated so that one is left with a sense of satisfaction, happiness, peace, or energy. In a way, a person feels like contributing more to themselves and the society around them.


Tags: Mental Health, Personality Development, youth mental health,

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