Delving Into Erickson’s Stages Of Psychosocial Development: Nurtured Childhood, Flourishing Adulthood.
By: Asim Mudgal
Feature Articles, Health & Welfare, Psychology, Social & Youth development,

Life lately asked me not to Quit. But what should I do to overcome the growing anxiety? Will I be able to make things work for myself, or will I say goodbye? That’s not the positive question asked. Indeed, the personality is a reflective window of the past or childhood. Broadly, we see it as a door of the spectrum called Shape or Akaar that only grows with time immemorial if nurtured well. To introduce here is Erickson’s Stages of Psychosocial development based on the psychosexual development of Anna Freud. Erik Erickson, a student of Anna Freud and later a professor at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley, was a prominent psychologist of the 1950s, introducing Eight stages of childhood psychosocial development that shape one’s personality. Before we dive into What It Is or How it will? It is simple and scientifically well-known to us that everything we learn, good or bad, has an equal and opposite outcome. Thus, psychology delves into personality.
Eight Stages Of Erikson’s Psychosocial Development

Childhood Social Development
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Erickson’s Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development is based on the theory that individuals suffer from psychological crises in stages of life, leading to overcoming the psychological Task. However, there are some controversies over the stages and signified ages as people are from different social and cultural backgrounds. Nevertheless, these methods have marked a significance in psychological history. Precisely, professional care for social development in children that begins from childhood. The next section is the overview of the Eight stages as defined by Erickson.
Eight Stages Of Psychosocial Development

Building Social Connection
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Trust vs. Mistrust: Something that shapes a child or a human being is the Idea of Truth and Trust. This period is the infancy period, aged birth to 18 months when a person is under a caregiver who they trust, and the amount of affection with proper diet develops an understanding of a predictable truthful environment in a child.
Autonomy vs. Shame, Doubt: Early childhood (18 months to 3 years) is the period when a person is curious about lots of things. A learning phase in which the right choices and guidance make one confident about the future. For children, that could be trying new clothes, making a poster, new toys, and developing technological curiosity. In an appropriate caregiver environment, they learn and practice good faith, which leads to self-confidence rather than doubt or shame.
Initiative vs. Guilt: Here comes the preschool age (3-6 years), where a child takes the initiative in sports, school study, and meeting peers. The proper role of caregivers is to ensure that they have most of this stage explored within themselves and around. A feeling of initiative gives them purpose, while over-asserting makes them guilty of their choices.
Industry vs. Inferiority: A time of the adolescent stage that’s where comparison and competitiveness are at their peak. Maybe the age of 6-12 years when children are likely to compare with their peers and develop an inferiority complex when they feel that they are lesser than their peers. A comparative analysis and motivation from caregivers can make them healthy competition.
Identity vs. Role Confusion: Later teenagehood and the beginning of adulthood (12-18 years) is a time of self-identity or role confusion. It May be about future choices, or as Erikson says it, “Who Am I?” or “What Do I Want From Life?” comes on the way. From that, we learned what our beliefs are and not being prejudiced about ourselves or our future. Adding to that, the discovery of sexuality or orientation awaits positive outlooks from family.
Intimacy vs. Isolation: A age of early childhood and adolescents makes one stronger to form healthy connections in adulthood, starting from the 20s. Moreover, they want to get intimate and share their other half with someone they know and trust. A stage of relationship exploration may lead to emotional isolation or reluctance in an adult having an unpleasant childhood or adolescents.
Generativity vs. Stagnation: Early adulthood periods of the early 40s is blessed with leading to next-generation, family building, and taking care of children. One who fails to fulfill the duty or relationships or doesn’t have a positive purpose might feel stagnation in this stage.
Integrity vs. Despair: In the sense, we see now is the later or last stage of human life. From here, we either feel fulfilled or satisfied with our stay and life or despaired completely unsatisfied from our earlier years.
Reflective Interpretation

Who Am I?
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Erik EriKson’s Stages Of Psychosocial development reflect a complete understanding of How? What? or Where? the child lacked that pleasant environment which resulted in troublesome growth years. Moreover, it also reflects the generational or parental gaps that it forms between child and parent. If we put it in simple words, lack of self-development or confidence creates a burden, and one suffers from anxieties leading to depression. Elaborately, Psychosocial as a term itself adds social into the picture means how socially interactive you are. Reportedly, the percentage of socially depressed or anxious people is high. Likewise, the condition is even more difficult to perceive in economically underdeveloped or weak countries. Reportedly, many purposes lie in these countries where we need utmost care for mental health and child development.
To conclude, Ericson’s methods of psychosocial development can be adopted by scientists or doctors to treat patients suffering from social anxiety. Social anxiety or trauma of the past that hampers once growth often results in unfulfilled livelihood. Moreover, parents can take their children to health professionals if they see behavioral changes. Additionally, they can be self-supportive, understanding, and motivating their children to take up good roles from the beginning. In case someone is in deep trouble, remember that you aren’t alone in this. You can always seek help.
Tags: Anxiety, Childhood Development, depression, Erikson's Stages Of Psychosocial Development, Mental Health, Psychology, Psychosocial Development, Youth Development, youth mental health,