Anxiety and Panic Attacks run away from relaxed minds.


Feature Articles, Health & Welfare, Psychology,

When anxiety reaches the level of disorder, it triggers panic attacks in human brain.

What is anxiety disorder?

Anxiety and panic disorders have become the most seen mental disorders in the fast-moving world. Anxiety, in psychological terms, is a mental health condition. Assuming you have a nervous problem, you might react to specific things and circumstances with dread and fear. You may likewise encounter actual indications of tension, like a heart beating and trembling.

But it’s okay to have some mental disturbance. You might feel restless or anxious if you need to handle an issue at work or settle on a significant dispute. Anxiety can even be gainful in some cases. For instance, tension assists us with seeing risky circumstances and centers our consideration, so we stay safe.

Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent emotional illness conditions on the globe. They happen to almost 30% of grown-ups. They most frequently start in youth, puberty, or early adulthood.

What is the relationship between anxiety disorder and panic attacks?

One of the major implications of anxiety disorder is panic attacks.

Some mental health issues share highlights with anxiety problems. So, these bring together the post-depression issues and moreover, the obsessive-compulsive disorder. Assuming that you have anxiety, you get seriously tensed, and that results in panic attacks.

The sensations of fear might begin suddenly, or they might come from a trigger, where you fear. These panic attacks may look like heart attacks. It’s smarter to decide alertly and have medical services to look at you.

Panic attacks are unexpected, with floods of dread, frenzy, or uneasiness. They are overpowering, and they have physical and emotional indications.

However, a panic attack goes past the ordinary apprehension and slight dread you might feel once in a while.

You can feel anxiety and panic attacks simultaneously. For example, you may encounter anxiety while agonizing over a possibly unpleasant circumstance. At the point when the circumstance shows up, anxiety may trigger a panic attack.

A panic attack caused due to anxiety or fear may resemble a heart attack or stroke but they are different.
Picture Courtesy: Cleveland Clinic

What are the causes of Panic attacks?

Panic attacks are mostly caused by the individual’s mental health factors. If an individual is prone to panic disorder or other anxiety disorder, they have the most chances of panic attacks.

Also, individuals with an overactive thyroid and other extreme medical conditions are vulnerable to panic attacks. This condition is associated with the anxiety of the illness. Mental health extremes including psychosis may cause panic attacks in some instances.

Uncontrolled use of substances can also lead to panic attacks. Sometimes, overdosage or irregular dosage of medications can also lead to panic attacks. The use of cigarettes, alcohol and other toxic substances are some of the main reasons for substance-related panic attacks.

A panic attack mostly happens when the individual is triggered by an external factor. External triggers can be people or situations. Some of them are

  • Social events
  • Public speaking
  • Conflict
  • Situations that trigger ones memories of pain and struggle
  • H.A.L.T. which means hungry, angry, lonely, tired are the four feelings that makes one prone to panic attacks.

What are the symptoms of a panic attacks?

Assuming a person is feeling a panic attack, one may observe his experience of breathing trouble, they sweat too much, and they may experience very fast heart beating.

Certain individuals will likewise encounter chest pain and a sensation of alienation during a panic attack. So they might believe they’re having a respiratory failure. Some people have felt like they are suffering a heart attack or stroke.

Image Courtesy: Verywell / JR Bee 

Panic attacks may show symptoms of a heavily pounding heart, sweating, trembling, breathing difficulties, chest pain, and stomach upset. It may extend to dizzy feelings, tingling in the foot or fingers, and numbness in the physical body.

A person feeling panic attacks may have psychological symptoms of feeling lost from reality, fear of dying, extreme anxiety, intense worrying, and losing control over oneself. They may also feel extremely cold or hot.

A sudden feeling of extreme anxiety or fear can also be a huge symptom of panic attacks.

A panic attack usually lasts from 5 to 30 minutes. They can create panic and fear, but they’re not dangerous or harmful to one’s life.

What simple steps can be taken to prevent them?

Despite the huge explanation on panic disorder, one can prevent panic disorders and anxiety disorders with a simple change in their routine lifestyle.

Yoga or profound breathing exercises might loosen up your physical tensions and lower pressure.

A good exercising routine can assist with relaxing your psyche and offset possible side effects of medicine, for example, substance-related anxiety. Specialists have observed that exercising at 60 to 90 percent of your maximum energy for 20 minutes three times each week can assist with decreasing tension.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking, and sporting medications, which can trigger panic attacks.

Get sufficient rest and sleep, so you get panic or anxiety during the day.

A healthy mental and physical routine will help to prevent panic attacks and anxiety. However, acknowledgment of the mental disorder is the most important remedy that can effectively help to fight it out.

What can be done in the wake of a panic attack?

Simple techniques are suggested by experts to bring panic attacks into control.

To list a few, follow the 3-3-3 rule: Look and name three things you see in your surroundings. Then, recognize three sounds that you hear. At last, move three parts of your body — ankle, fingers, or arm. At a point you feel your mind going in a 100 miles speed, this psychological exercise can assist with focusing your brain, bringing you back to the current second as experts say.

Another technique could be the 5-4-3-2-1 strategy which is a method of a kind of mental care. It coordinates the individual’s thinking to move away from anxiety and panic. This method is an extended version of the 3-3-3 rule. The person may take up the following steps to bring normalcy during panic attacks:

  • Observe 5 objects around you.
  • Listen 4 particular sounds.
  • Touch 3 items.
  • Recognize 2 distinct scents.
  • Imagine 1 thing you love to taste.
Image Courtesy: Medicine net

I would like to end with the procedure called progressive muscle relaxation which is a well-known technique for adapting to anxiety and panic attacks.

This involves stressing and in turn relaxing various muscles that cause anxiety. The procedure goes as:

  • Hold the panic thoughts for 5 seconds.
  • Say “relax” as you release the muscle from hold.
  • Let the muscle relax for 10 seconds before moving on to the next muscle.

Some psychological solutions for panic attacks

Psychotherapy is the first choice for treating panic attacks and panic disorders. This is also called talk therapy.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other types of counseling are also given by specialists to assist people with panic disorders.

Before all, consulting the right doctor is the best thing to do. He/she may decide the best medications and therapies based on the need of the individual. They may prescribe antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs such as benzodiazepine, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).

More than all the techniques, the first step should be that you should talk to your inner self and have hope in yourself that all troubles will pass too.


Tags: Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders, Mental Health, Panic Attacks, Panic Disorders, Psychology,

One response to “Anxiety and Panic Attacks run away from relaxed minds.”

  1. LAVANYA R says:

    Well explained 👏👏

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